Struct petgraph::graphmap::GraphMap [] [src]

pub struct GraphMap<N, E, Ty> { /* fields omitted */ }

GraphMap<N, E, Ty> is a graph datastructure using an associative array of its node weights N.

It uses an combined adjacency list and sparse adjacency matrix representation, using O(|V| + |E|) space, and allows testing for edge existance in constant time.

GraphMap is parameterized over:

You can use the type aliases UnGraphMap and DiGraphMap for convenience.

GraphMap does not allow parallel edges, but self loops are allowed.

Depends on crate feature graphmap (default).


impl<N, E, Ty> GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType


Create a new GraphMap


Create a new GraphMap with estimated capacity.


Return the current node and edge capacity of the graph.


Whether the graph has directed edges.


Create a new GraphMap from an iterable of edges.

Node values are taken directly from the list. Edge weights E may either be specified in the list, or they are filled with default values.

Nodes are inserted automatically to match the edges.

use petgraph::graphmap::UnGraphMap;

// Create a new undirected GraphMap.
// Use a type hint to have `()` be the edge weight type.
let gr = UnGraphMap::<_, ()>::from_edges(&[
    (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3),
    (1, 2), (1, 3),
    (2, 3),


Return the number of nodes in the graph.


Return the number of edges in the graph.


Remove all nodes and edges


Add node n to the graph.


Return true if node n was removed.


Return true if the node is contained in the graph.


Add an edge connecting a and b to the graph, with associated data weight. For a directed graph, the edge is directed from a to b.

Inserts nodes a and/or b if they aren't already part of the graph.

Return None if the edge did not previously exist, otherwise, the associated data is updated and the old value is returned as Some(old_weight).

// Create a GraphMap with directed edges, and add one edge to it
use petgraph::graphmap::DiGraphMap;

let mut g = DiGraphMap::new();
g.add_edge("x", "y", -1);
assert_eq!(g.node_count(), 2);
assert_eq!(g.edge_count(), 1);
assert!(g.contains_edge("x", "y"));
assert!(!g.contains_edge("y", "x"));


Remove edge from a to b from the graph and return the edge weight.

Return None if the edge didn't exist.

// Create a GraphMap with undirected edges, and add and remove an edge.
use petgraph::graphmap::UnGraphMap;

let mut g = UnGraphMap::new();
g.add_edge("x", "y", -1);

let edge_data = g.remove_edge("y", "x");
assert_eq!(edge_data, Some(-1));
assert_eq!(g.edge_count(), 0);


Return true if the edge connecting a with b is contained in the graph.

Important traits for Nodes<'a, N>

Return an iterator over the nodes of the graph.

Iterator element type is N.

Important traits for Neighbors<'a, N, Ty>

Return an iterator of all nodes with an edge starting from a.

  • Directed: Outgoing edges from a.
  • Undirected: All edges from or to a.

Produces an empty iterator if the node doesn't exist.
Iterator element type is N.

Important traits for NeighborsDirected<'a, N, Ty>

Return an iterator of all neighbors that have an edge between them and a, in the specified direction. If the graph's edges are undirected, this is equivalent to .neighbors(a).

  • Directed, Outgoing: All edges from a.
  • Directed, Incoming: All edges to a.
  • Undirected: All edges from or to a.

Produces an empty iterator if the node doesn't exist.
Iterator element type is N.

Important traits for Edges<'a, N, E, Ty>

Return an iterator of target nodes with an edge starting from a, paired with their respective edge weights.

  • Directed: Outgoing edges from a.
  • Undirected: All edges from or to a.

Produces an empty iterator if the node doesn't exist.
Iterator element type is (N, &E).


Return a reference to the edge weight connecting a with b, or None if the edge does not exist in the graph.


Return a mutable reference to the edge weight connecting a with b, or None if the edge does not exist in the graph.

Important traits for AllEdges<'a, N, E, Ty>

Return an iterator over all edges of the graph with their weight in arbitrary order.

Iterator element type is (N, N, &E)

Important traits for AllEdgesMut<'a, N, E, Ty>

Return an iterator over all edges of the graph in arbitrary order, with a mutable reference to their weight.

Iterator element type is (N, N, &mut E)


Return a Graph that corresponds to this GraphMap.

  1. Note that node and edge indices in the Graph have nothing in common with the GraphMaps node weights N. The node weights N are used as node weights in the resulting Graph, too.
  2. Note that the index type is user-chosen.

Computes in O(|V| + |E|) time (average).

Panics if the number of nodes or edges does not fit with the resulting graph's index type.

Trait Implementations

impl<'a, N: 'a, E, Ty> IntoNeighbors for &'a GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: Copy + Ord + Hash,
    Ty: EdgeType


Return an iterator of the neighbors of node a.

impl<'a, N: 'a, E, Ty> IntoNeighborsDirected for &'a GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: Copy + Ord + Hash,
    Ty: EdgeType


impl<N, E, Ty> Data for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: Copy + PartialEq,
    Ty: EdgeType

impl<N, E, Ty> GraphProp for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType

The kind edges in the graph.


impl<N, E, Ty> GraphBase for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: Copy + PartialEq

node identifier

edge identifier

impl<N, E, Ty> Visitable for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: Copy + Ord + Hash,
    Ty: EdgeType

The associated map type


Create a new visitor map


Reset the visitor map (and resize to new size of graph if needed)

impl<N, E, Ty> GetAdjacencyMatrix for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: Copy + Ord + Hash,
    Ty: EdgeType

The GraphMap keeps an adjacency matrix internally.

The associated adjacency matrix type


Create the adjacency matrix


Return true if there is an edge from a to b, false otherwise. Read more

impl<N, E, Ty> Build for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    Ty: EdgeType,
    N: NodeTrait



Add a new edge. If parallel edges (duplicate) are not allowed and the edge already exists, return None. Read more


Add or update the edge from a to b. Return the id of the affected edge. Read more

impl<N, E, Ty> Create for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    Ty: EdgeType,
    N: NodeTrait


impl<N, E, Ty> FromElements for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    Ty: EdgeType,
    N: NodeTrait


impl<N: Clone, E: Clone, Ty: Clone> Clone for GraphMap<N, E, Ty>


Returns a copy of the value. Read more


Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<N: Eq + Hash + Debug, E: Debug, Ty: EdgeType> Debug for GraphMap<N, E, Ty>


Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<N, E, Ty, Item> FromIterator<Item> for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    Item: IntoWeightedEdge<E, NodeId = N>,
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType

Create a new GraphMap from an iterable of edges.


Creates a value from an iterator. Read more

impl<N, E, Ty, Item> Extend<Item> for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    Item: IntoWeightedEdge<E, NodeId = N>,
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType

Extend the graph from an iterable of edges.

Nodes are inserted automatically to match the edges.


Extends a collection with the contents of an iterator. Read more

impl<'a, N: 'a, E: 'a, Ty> IntoEdgeReferences for &'a GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType


impl<'a, N: 'a, E: 'a, Ty> IntoEdges for &'a GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType


impl<N, E, Ty> Index<(N, N)> for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType

Index GraphMap by node pairs to access edge weights.

The returned type after indexing.


Performs the indexing (container[index]) operation.

impl<N, E, Ty> IndexMut<(N, N)> for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType

Index GraphMap by node pairs to access edge weights.


Performs the mutable indexing (container[index]) operation.

impl<N, E, Ty> Default for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType

Create a new empty GraphMap.


Returns the "default value" for a type. Read more

impl<'a, N, E: 'a, Ty> IntoNodeIdentifiers for &'a GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType


impl<N, E, Ty> NodeCount for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType


impl<'a, N, E, Ty> IntoNodeReferences for &'a GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType


impl<N, E, Ty> NodeIndexable for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType


Return an upper bound of the node indices in the graph (suitable for the size of a bitmap). Read more


Convert a to an integer index.


Convert i to a node index

impl<N, E, Ty> NodeCompactIndexable for GraphMap<N, E, Ty> where
    N: NodeTrait,
    Ty: EdgeType